Hekiganroku - Case 1: Bodhidharma's "Clear and Void" Emperor Bu of Ryo [1] asked Great Master Bodhidharma, "What is the highest meaning of the holy reality?" Bodhidharma replied, "Clear and void, no holiness." The emperor said, "Who are you in front of me?" Bodhidharma said, "I don't know." The emperor did not match him. Finally, Bodhidharma crossed the Yangtse River and came to the kingdom of Gi. Later, the emperor asked Shiko for his view. Shiko said, "Does Your Majesty know who this man is?" The emperor said, "I don't know." Shiko said, "He is the Mahasattwa Avalokitesvara transmitting the seal of Buddha's Mind." The emperor regretted and wanted to send an emissary to invite Bodhidharma back. Shiko said, "Your Majesty, do not intend to send an emissary to fetch him back. Even if all the people in the land were to go after him, he would not return." [1]: Emperor Bu reigned over the land of Ryo between 502-509